Monday, June 05, 2006
Cat Apolcalypse
What’s furry, has claws and triggers the end of the world? You guessed it. It’s your trusted, feline friend: your cat. And cats are not the only animals causing problems. Rabbits do it. Frogs do. Yes, even the cute Giant Panda is helping to blow the world to kingdom come. Sit back -- and shiver!
If you felt sorry for the dinosaurs, consider this. At this very moment, we’re in the middle of a period of mass extinction that’s actually WORSE than the one that wiped out the dinosaurs. You read that right. More species go extinct at this very moment than during the last days of the dinosaur!
You see, it took the dinosaurs thousands of years to die out altogether. Today, the speed of extinction is higher -- much higher. Each day, an estimated seventy species go bust. That’s seventy species! Gone. Not to be seen ever again. A few centuries more, and half of all species will no longer be here. Thanks to the meteor impact called 'mankind'.
Blog Archive
- The $100 burger
- Learn how to open a coconut
- Take off your clothes
- Hiltler cats
- "This is your life and it's ending one minute at a...
- Killadelphia is #2, but still, everything's bigger...
- Liquid nitrogen + pool = fun
- Best buildings of the year
- Why 6/6/06 is just another day
- Now based on a true story
- Cat Apolcalypse
- Hot day in Hell, MI
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