Thursday, September 28, 2006

Jason's top 10 kills

After I completed my list of Freddy's 10 best Kills, I immediately started receiving requests to do a follow-up article all about another ultimate horror baddie. I'm of course speaking of Jason Voorhees from the Friday the 13th films. While I'm admittedly a bigger fan of Freddy Krueger, I still love Jason and his murderific ways. While Freddy kills with creativity and charisma, Mr. Voorhees kills with a silent brutality that is perhaps only rivaled by Michael Myers. He's the big lug that you always enjoy watching as he decimates any teenagers who dare to do drugs, engage in premarital sex, or just happen to be hanging around Camp Crystal Lake. Hey, he's not picky about who he kills, and his body count shows it. That's something any horror fan can appreciate.

Keeping that in mind, I'm happy to present you with my tribute to Jason Voorhees, the biggest, baddest horror icon ever to draw attention to the sport of hockey. So grab your machete because it's time to check out what are, in my opinion,
his 10 best kills.


