Monday, August 13, 2007

Happy Left-Handers Day

Welcome to the official site for the Left-Handers Club, and the 16th annual celebration of left-handers superiority!! All year round, we fit in with home and office layouts designed for right-handers’ comfort – put up with doors, cookers, sinks, computer mice, keyboards and desks that are efficient for right-handers to work at, and hundreds of times every day we contort ourselves using back-to-front tools and gadgets that make us look clumsy and awkward in our efforts to make them to work…

But NOT TODAY! Because on this special day, it is your chance to GET YOUR OWN BACK on your right-handed friends colleagues and family, by designating your personal space as a LEFTY ZONE where everything must be done left-handed! Download our unique Lefty Zone posters for prominent display, plus any others from our selection of FREE LEFT-HANDERS DAY POSTERS, re-arrange the room for your convenience, and settle down to enjoy this site, totally dedicated to YOU


