Tuesday, October 10, 2006

5 of the most absurd deleted scenes

Deleted scenes on a DVD are a curious feature, because they come with an implicit disclaimer: “Hi! These scenes were deemed NOT NECESSARY TO THE MOVIE or NOT GOOD ENOUGH TO BE INCLUDED IN THE ACTUAL MOVIE, WHICH YOU'VE ALREADY SEEN. (beat) Okay, enjoy!”

For every rare deleted scene that is actually funny or interesting—say, Boogie Nights’s “John C. Reilly Files” or the scores of improvised outtakes in Anchorman—there are a half-dozen more that leave you wondering not only “Why is this scene included on the DVD?” but “Why was this scene ever SHOT in the first place?”

Here are
five deleted scenes that we can’t believe were ever shot in the first place, along with our guess as to why they were shot and why they were deleted.


