Saturday, January 27, 2007

People still don't know difference between "reply" and "reply to all"

District 1 Town Councilor David Watson resigned from his position as council vice chairman Tuesday for unintentionally forwarding a personal and impolitic e-mail to a town committee on Jan. 14.

The e-mail, which Watson described as "at best politically incorrect and at worst very offensive" in a public apology on Jan. 16, contains nine embedded images of topless women under the heading "This is National Women's Breast Awareness Day." The only other text reads, "Beats ... Martin Luther King Day, doesn't it?"

The e-mail landed in the in boxes of 18 members of the New Elementary School Building Committee and to an individual with an Elmira College e-mail address on Jan. 14. Watson, who received the e-mail from a friend, maintains
he doesn't know how the e-mail was forwarded.


