Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Top 10 unfilmed comic book characters

Whenever comic book movies become popular, studios everywhere go into a feeding frenzy, buying up more rights to comic book titles than they can probably produce. You might think all the good comic book films have already been done, but as this list illustrates, you’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg.

The number one criteria for this comic book list is they have to be basically do-able and film-able. Something like “The Dark Knight Returns” has excellent visual qualities, but it’s doubtful mainstream moviegoers could handle the sight of Batman laying into Superman, the punk pawn of the president. So, the following picks may not satisfy the ranks of salivating comic book fans (myself included), but they should at least hold the interest of non-comic book enthusiasts . . . and just maybe . . . a studio exec.


